
What I Take Away from This Week...

There are pearls of wisdom I’d like to share, bonehead things I’ve done (or didn’t) that add to stress already present in my life or pleasant discoveries that help me through them.  Here are the nuggets I take away from this week:

1. Spills can be minimized.

When traveling to a party with a crockpot of chili in the trunk that you think will remain standing for the entire trip, expect it all to go to hell.  Following one quick stop or sharp turn, you'll scramble to  put it right side up again. The fun begins when you lift it out of the car to carry the bag, now saturated with chili, DO expect the paper bag it’s in to rip somewhere between your car and the door to your destination.  I would say the results looked like someone barfed in the street, but considering the look of chili… Next time put the damn crock at your feet.
This in a heap on the street just doesn’t look right.  I’m just saying.

2. Pick up a container of Trader Joe’s dark chocolate peanut butter cups.

Run!  Don't run!  I rarely get to indulge in candy because of my lactose intolerance, but dark usually doesn’t bother me.  One wasn’t enough!  These is better than a Reese’s, I promise you.

Trader Joes 

3. Cut up old debit cards!

I almost hyperventilated at Grocery Outlet yesterday, when I swiped my debit card and was told it prompted a “fraud alert,” sorry.  I swiped again, but got the same denial.  I clumsily rushed my groceries to the car while on hold with my bank (I so miss cradling a phone in the crook of your neck!).  The next five minutes on hold felt like forever until I finally got an agent.  He asked for the last four digits on my card, which as I read them I simultaneously realized they were the numbers on my “old,” recently replaced debit card.  That bank rep now knows I’m a blonde.  Light bulb!  I never put the new card in my wallet!  I cursed Target (just briefly, because I like Target) for allowing hackers to get into their database, the reason I received the replacement card from my bank.  My heart resumed its normal rhythm, and I was over it.

 McCarthy cc pic

4. Your wine bottle may be dangerous.

Following the drama (I created) over the deactivated debit card, I naturally reached for my open bottle of cab. Quite absentmindedly, I pulled the cork, but instantly felt pain.  Because I was in such a rush the night before, I never cleaned the bottle of its sleeve (those in the know know that the wrapping at the neck is considered “the capsule”).  I’m here to say It Will Cut You!  I now have a two inch gash on my pointer.  Which gushed blood this morning when I reopened it and worried my coworkers.  It just doesn’t sound right to say you cut your finger on a wine bottle.

Wine drinker

5. Wear gifts of clothing from others – Just do it!

I was reminded this morning that as much as one may not like a gift of clothing, if the giver is someone one sees on a regular basis, one is screwed!  Just resign yourself to put it on once in a while.  The alternative is to explain why you can’t wear it, that it’s the wrong size or color, it itches, it causes your dog to attack you.  But in the end you’ll just sound like an idiot – an ungrateful one.  Suck is up and wear it with a smile.

Kim K 
Or don’t? Where’s that gift receipt?


6. Visit CapCityMoms.com

I visited the site yesterday to see what’s new, because I haven’t figured out how to get notices that it’s been updated.  (Hey, I said I was a novice at this.)  Love this site for so many reasons.  Check it out for yourself even if you don’t reside in Sacramento for it’s freshness and the variety of topics.


7. Don’t make too much fun of your kids

My daughter, a future nurse, text me in the middle of her school day, freaked out because the students had to have their fingers pricked to determine their blood type.  I gave her some encouragement, but couldn’t help but throw in useful tips like, "Pull up your Big Girl Panties before you do it.”  A couple of hours later, and funny, no response from her. Later that night she admit she was close to tears over the thought of the needle (needle?), so she put it off a day, and by the way, she didn’t think my texts were funny.  That evening I asked her how she was going to be able to get over it for tomorrow’s prick?  She didn’t appreciate my asking with a smile on my face.  Or the offer to practice to get her ready.  Too bad she couldn’t use the blood from my finger this morning.  Ironic, huh?


More irony!  Her favorite show!

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